Bonnie Rex

nobody care!

This is Bonnie. He's not very talkative, doesn't socialize much, kinda introvert actually. But once you can get to know him he can be loud speaker sometime. He don't even know how to talk to anyone, not with broken english of his. Not a native english speaker, not a talker, he tends to be quiet. He has a very rough childhood you see, friend at school doesn't even want to talk to him! Awfully lots of bullies, He always retaliate see that's why he doesn't have friend. Oh and don't forget about negligence parents, He doesn't get to know anything, just go to school they said! He doesn't know how to cook like mom, doesn't know to do carpenter like dad, doesn't really know how to do stuff like people normally would. "that weird kid" they called. Well at LEAST HE got better grade than theirs!

Eventually he grew up! The only friend he get is games and internet. A gift from his parents With no friend and activies he just sticks to his monitor until today.

Moving on...

nobody care! that's what my head is thinking right now. Ignore that other paragraph. So! this is about me! let's see

I'm Bonnie Rex! (name remained anonymous ok?) I'm 23 years old when I have this web site. learning in infographic and stuff. Believe me when I said college suck and I do mean it sucks. Ever since the epidemic came I become bored since then. It was like an opportunity for me to actually do something whatever I like. I'm a student that means I learn stuff! I keep my knowledge in here in case completely forget about it one day. I can be forgetful sometime, lots of time actually. I don't even remember what to do next. Sometime it got so bad I become braindead like. It has been problem since.

College sucks! Especially cheap governed bad-reputation university that I don't want to talk about. They just don't teach anything at all. I love you mom&dad but I won't be getting anywhere without knowledge to survive in the world! Then one day came that old friend acquaintance came braging showing me a job he'd been working since I study the same thing he did except in other college. Hmpt! so I start my own stuff! not that I'd show him but it gave me something to do, and to let off some steam. It was bad anyway so why care about it? I get to build website like 2000s people would do when I can't. (Thank you neocities!)

So here's my intent and purpose: I'm dumb and stupid, and probably early alzheimer. I'm trying to write off what I learned so far. It's like a library of sorts and when you think about it it's like my personal memory! (except it's on internet)

I hope I'm not step over something here because I don't know anything and by anything I mean everything.